On Death and Birth and Dignity



On Death and Dignity

I recently watched someone die. I don’t know why I happened to be with her when she took her last breaths, but I was. It happened quietly and quickly and peacefully.

As I have pondered this event, I have recalled some discussions with my University Student daughter earlier this year as she did a research paper on Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide. As she began studying, both of us were rather open minded about the subject, especially knowing well this 93 year old family member who had been wishing to die since her beloved husband had passed away last year. I read most of the articles my daughter studied and we discussed issues involved. Through that process we came to a similar conclusion – maybe this is something best left in the hands of God. Continue reading

The Lie about Choice

Anti-choice, Really? There really is a group officially against choice – in America? The so-called “pro-choice” movement, by claiming the “pro” for themselves and designating their opposition as “anti”, lend the appearance of their being the good guys in this debate. But how accurate are those labels? Continue reading

Even liberals should be outraged

I can’t watch another of these videos without saying something. I can understand why some sensitive religious people might hesitate to watch something with a warning that it is graphic and disturbing. Apparently liberals also avoid watching because they have already made up their minds that it is propaganda from the right and so not worth their time. I can’t believe that anyone could watch these videos and still think that Planed Parenthood is doing nothing illegal or wrong. I cannot for the life of me find any way that these videos could be fake or untrue. I also can find no way that the behavior demonstrated on them can be justified at all. I will concede that there is some bias in the presentation – an attempt to show horrors as horrors without sanitizing. Sure they were secretly recorded – these Planned Parenthood people would not have said what they said if they knew it would be used against them. But wrong is wrong – and Planned Parenthood is wrong! Continue reading