Victor’s Story – From Homeless to Hopeful

I learned a great deal from Victor – about being homeless, about living with a brain injury, about resourcefulness, about hope and positive change, and about the ways lives can touch each other during the process.

Meeting Victor

During the summer of 2016, a new person came to my church. He attended the Sunday School class I taught, sat at the front and introduced himself as Victor. He was neatly dressed, well mannered, friendly and eager to participate in class. Through his comments and a few conversations we had outside of class, I learned a little about his background and experiences as well as his feelings about the Church. It wasn’t until after he had left our Ward and moved into an apartment in Ogden City, that I learned more about his story. I was fascinated to hear about his travels and unique living arrangements and wanted to learn more. He was gracious to sit down with me and share his story.

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Awareness, Insight and Impaired Brains

I like to believe that there is some purpose for the things we go through in life. As I find myself now surrounded by people I love, who for different reasons and with some variety in expression, have impaired mental functions, I am wondering what it is I am supposed to be learning from this. Of course, there is the obvious patience, of which much more is required than I naturally have, along with tolerance and compassion. You would think that one impaired brain would be sufficient to teach me, but apparently I am in need of more.

Sometimes I wish for more associations with intelligent, educated people with which to have deep conversations and share great insights. I find myself pondering about how the brain works, and sometimes doesn’t work, and how that relates to the human quest to learn and understand. So I will share some of my “insights” about things like insight and understanding.

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